Southport Footballer’s Death


October 30, 1918. The Evening Express, Liverpool


Football enthusiasts will regret to hear of the death of Sergeant William Rigby, which took place in hospital at Sunderland on Sunday from pneumious. Rigby was wounded a short time ago, and was recovering speedily when pneumonia supervened. The genial Billy was extremely popular. Nearly the whole of last season he appeared in the Southport Central side and was a tower of strength in the intermediate line. He crossed to France at Easter. Two of his brothers have been killed and another is on service.

October 30, 1918. The Liverpool Echo

Bee’s Notes

Well Know Southport Player Killed

The death has taken place from wounds in hospital at Sunderland of Sergeant William Rigby who, for the past eight years has been a member of Southport Central football team. One of his brothers has been killed and another is missing.