Match Report – Southport Visiter – 09/10/1889

Liverpool and District Cup

Southport Central (2nd) v Whiston – Last Saturday the Central first team should have taken on Whiston in the first round of the Liverpool Cup, but, unfortunately, they had to play Irwell Springs on the same day in the first round of the English cup. Under these circumstances, it was thought desirable to place the 2nd string in the field against Whiston, on the Sports’ Ground, Sussex Road. The visiters commenced proceedings with the wind in their favour, and at once pressed on the Southport back division, but Pasquill relieved and F.Rimmer was noticeable for his clever play. The Southport forwards work their way well up, but the ball was run over the line. Whiston had a claim for hands, but could not score. Hibbs, for Southport, ran the ball over the visiters goal line, and shortly afterwards the Whiston custodian was called upon to repel several shots, which he did in a very creditable style. The visiters made an incursion to the home territory, and experience hard lines, Guest showing up splendidly. Whiston gained a corner, but Walmsley averted danger, and Guest saved a good head at immediately afterwards at the expense of a corner. The whole of the visiting team were playing strongly, and one of the forward sent in a shot which defeated Guest, thus securing the first goal for Whiston. The visiters gained a corner, and had hard lines on several occasions, the home backs and goalkeeper playing in grand form, and when half-time arrived the score remained unaltered. In the second half, although playing against the wind, Whiston secured two more goals ,completely out playing the home team, most of whom were of very little use against their opponents. Just before the call of time Southport managed to get the leather past the visiter’s posts, and an uninteresting game resulted in a victory for Whiston by three goals to one. The following was the Southport team: Guest, Pasquill, Walmsley, F.Rimmer, Evans, Blundell, Blackledge, Brighouse, Forshaw, Hibbs and J.Rimmer.