Match Report – 04/02/1918


Liverpool Echo: February 1, 1918

Of course, the football enthusiast grumbles at “form,” but then know we not that “form” can be made to argue black is white and that green is blue? Take the Liverpool v Preston match, which was drawn.

Outside the city cynics might say, “Theirs was an arranged game.” Yet the evidence of 15,000 spectators present at the game would vote solidly for one thing; Liverpool never played harder in their lives than that day. They were shocked by early goals, and were nearly beaten.

Tomorrow Liverpool have such another side as North End to face. Southport have been rather poor, but they always find attractive teams for visits to Merseyside. I confess that I would go far to see the stylists such as Lol Abram and Fay and Caulfield. In goal, Central player the South Liverpool man, Capper, who has helped Liverpool in his time. So altogether there is promise of quite a good game at Anfield, starting at 3.30.

Liverpool. – A.N. Other, Ephraim Longworth, Billy Jenkinson, John Bamber, Walter Wadsworth, Donald Mackinlay, Robert Waine, Arthur Metcalf, Tommy Bennett, Harry Lewis, George Schofield.

Southport Central. – Thomas Capper, Tom Dorward, Smith, Lol Abram, Jimmy Fay, Eacock, Billy Caulfield, Hilton, Crossley, Burke, Joe Rimmer.


Lancashire Evening Post, February 2, 1918

The weather was ideal for football at Anfield to-day, were Southport were the visitors. The Seasiders were poorly represented. There was a crowd of 13,000. Teams: –

Liverpool: Bombardier Walter Smith, Ephraim Longworth, Billy Jenkinson, John Bamber, Walter Wadsworth, Donald Mackinlay, Robert Waine, Arthur Metcalf, Tommy Bennett, Harry Lewis, George Schofield.
Southport Central: Thomas Capper, Tom Dorward, Smith, Lol Abram, Jimmy Fay, Rigby, Burke, Billy Caulfield, Hilton, Crossley, A. Smith.

A late start was made, and Liverpool were soon attacking. They were a goal up in four minutes. Bennett and Waine, as the result of good football, took the ball through the Southport defence, and the former passed to Metcalf, whose shot was only partially cleared by Capper, Lewis scoring a simple goal.

Capper made an extraordinary save shortly afterwards off the foot of the post. Bennett, who was playing attractive football, increased the score with a fine drive, and it was followed up in less than a minute with a brilliant piece of feiting by Schofield, who showed his old side what he could do in the way of ball control. Although Lewis scored from the centre, the chief credit was due to Schofield.

The winger again made a brilliant solo effort, in which he outplayed the Southport defence, but it came to nothing. The home backs were then caught napping, Caulfield hotoking the ball into goal, Smith being beaten by a curling shot. Longworth had to leave the field, and in his absence Smith put in a long shot which struck the bar.

Half-time: Liverpool 3, Southport Central 1.

Metcalf scored in three minutes, and then the games dragged on, a lot of mediocre football being shown. Capper did as well as could be expected, but Hilton, the Southport centre, was outclassed. Mackinlay scored again for Liverpool with a fast drive, Capper being at the time unsighted by a crush of players


Liverpool Echo: February 4, 1918

There was an air of common place about Southport’s game at Anfield. There was a wide gulf between the two sides, and the consequence was very nature. Still, we expected better from the visitors, because we know the value of such headpieces as Lol Abram, Jimmy Fay, Billy Caulfield, and Tom Dorward.

The fact was that the forward line that operated would not have beaten minor clubs, let alone the champion club’s defence. So the game was wholly disappointing. The late kick-off and the mist contrived to help to spoil the game, and to some people a nap would have been most welcome.

Liverpool’s members were not to blame, of course, for they played good stuff, and George Schofield in particular will be remembered by his exhibition against his first side. His method of feinting and his hugging of the ball on the throw-in line remind me greatly of Tom Niblo, the old Newcastle, Midland, and Southern player.

We could do with more evidences of brain work from present-day footballers. It was good to see Donald Mackinlay and others – not to mention the public – appreciating the young boy’s brilliant work which led to Harry Lewis getting a goal. The scorer named was in fine fettle in many directions, but notably in overhead hooks and he scored another goal while Tommy Bennett got a couple – both gems in their way – Mackinlay and Arthur Metcalf also goaling well against a stocky defence and a goalkeeper who is not readily beaten. Thomas Capper’s display, is a matter of fact, was quite good, as also was Dorward’s defence; but I have seen Fay play better football.

All the winners were a grade above their rivals, so let us be charitable and straightway draw the veil, save to tell that Ephraim Longworth, in spite of injury, was his old self, and Billy Jenkinson thoroughly enjoyed his game.