Match Report – 01/02/1896


The Liverpool Daily Post- Monday February 1, 1896

Everton have selected a very strong team to meet Southport Central to-day, and judging from Everton’s form against West Bromwich and East Stirlingshire, they should render a good account of themselves, notwithstanding Southport’s strong running for the Lancashire League championship. The Everton directors have arranged for six telegrams to be sent from Nottingham giving the state of the game there. We are informed that the note in yesterday’s Post in hardly correct as the Everton directors did not fix the charge of admission for to-day’s game at 3d. this was done before the draw was made by the Liverpool Association, at a meeting to which representatives of all the clubs interested were invited and it was decided that the charge for the semi-final should be 3d and the final 6d. Everton therefore, are only carrying out the decision of the association.
Everton v Notts Forest, at Nottingham; 2.30.
Everton; Hillman, goal; Adams and Arridge, backs; Boyle, Holt, and Stewart, half-backs; Bell, Cameron, Hartley, Chadwick, and Milward, forwards,
Everton Combination v Southport Central, at Goodison Park; 3.15.
Everton; Briggs, goal; Kelso and Storrier, backs; Latta, Meiklejohn, and Mainman, half-backs; Reay, Williams, Flewitt, Murray, and Schofield, forwards.


February 3 1896. The Liverpool Mercury

Liverpool Senior cup

This game played at Goodison park, was well supported, and a strong side represented the clubs. The match was well contested in the first half, at the end of which the Evertonians were ahead by one goal to nil. The pace during the first 45 minutes was altogether too warm for the Central to keep up in the second half, and the Combination team consequently much the better of the play, and putting in four other goals won easily by 5 goals to 1. Everton: – Briggs, goal, Kelso, and Storrier, backs, Latta, Meiklejohn, and Mainman, halfbacks, Reay, Williams, Flewitt, Murray, and Schofield forwards.


The Liverpool Daily Post- Monday, February 3, 1896


Played at Goodison Park, before about 10,000 spectators. The first portion of the game was splendidly contested, but Everton were much the smarter on the ball. Williams at length scored for Everton, and just before half-time Carnie equalised. A few minutes after resuming Flewitt placed his side in front with a capital shot, and Schofield quickly added another. Southport then made strenuous efforts to break through the Everton defence, btu without effect, and Everton putting on two other goals, ran out easy winners by 5 goals to 1.