Match Report – 25/02/1893

Liverpool Mercury – 25/02/1893

The first meeting of these clubs in the Lancashire League competition took place on Saturday, at Anfield, before 3000 spectators.
McCabe started on behalf of Southport, and immediately Devonport obtained a foul off McLean, but the ultimate aim was not successful. C.Gee then stopped McQueen and gave to Halsall, but McBride stepped in and juduciously passed to McQueen, and after some pretty exchanges and passes between them and McVean, the former completely baffled the Southport custodian his a fast high shot. The play of the tome team now wonderfully improved, and they litterally swarmed round Gee.
McVean got through once very nicely, and gave to Millar, but Smith blocked the ball as the centre forward was in the act of shooting. McCabe then obtained the leather from a goal kick, and put out W. Hastings, who darted off at top speed past Hannah, and Ross had to run out to save. Again the home team were in the old spot, and after McQueen had shot hard in twice over, persistency brought its reward, and the nonplussed Gee onlu managed to put over the bar. McVean sent sharply across the goalmouth, but the chance was not taken advantage of. Half time found liverpool leading by two goal, and after al uninteresting display in the second portion of play the result remained the same.
Liverpool: Rose, goal: Hannah and McLean, backs: McCartney, McQue and McBride, half-backs: Wylie, McQueen, Miller, McVean and H. McQueen forwards

Southport Central: Gee, goal: Smith and Fairhurst, backs:Gee, Muir and Dodd, half-backs: Halsall, Devonport, McCabe, Winstanley and Hastings, forwards.


Cricket and Football Field: March 4, 1893

Southport Central were the visitors at Anfield Road on Saturday, and the Liverpool Club had its full strength up for the contest. It was very early manifested that the Sandgrounders were far below the homesters in point and merit, for Mr. John Houlding’s boys had matters almost entirely their own way.

In the first half Liverpool were continually on the aggressive, whereas their opponents rarely got beyond the centre line. Two goals had been put on to Southport’s none when the teams crossed over, and although the Centralites had somewhat more of the game in the second portion they were never really in it with the home team, who, however, failed to increase their score, the result being Liverpool two, Southport Central none.

The efforts of the Centralites committee to secure a really good team are, to say the least, disappointing. I notice Joe Lofthouse does not now appear in their ranks, and I should say his engagement has been a failure. Another old warhorse in Kenny Davenport was there, however, and he at times did as well as any of his confreres.

Beyond the brothers Gee and Dick Fairhurst and Lollie Halsall the players are only mediocre, and some drastic changes will require to be made before the team can hope to attain a much better position in the League table than they now occupy.

The Liverpool men were all right expect when it came to the critical moment, and then they went all to pieces. In this respect, however, they were no worse than other teams I could mention who command a much higher reputation; but for all that, when one sees a set of forward continually in the vicinity of their opponents’ goal and then are unable to score anything like the due proportion of points commensurate with the amount of pressing done, the thing becomes exasperating, and is calculated to make their supporters say things.

This was the state of affairs on Saturday last, and the match in consequence was not an enjoyable one to witness. Certainly Gee stopped shots innumerable, but so would any other custodian worthy of the name, if he had similar ones to deal with.

Duncan McLean played a capital game at back, his kicking being clean and forcible. James McBride did the best of the halves, and the forwards, as previously indicated, were all right in the open, but failed lamentably in front of goal.