Last evening the annual meeting of the Southport Central Football Club took place in the Albany Galleries, under the presidency of Mr. J. G. Emmison, the chairman of the organisation. There was a large attendance, including Mr. Dan Ashton, hon. Financial secretary: Mr. W. Robinson, Mr. Peter Howard, and Mr. Rd Roskell, executive committee; Mr. Isaac Smith, Mr. Syd ney Bramwell, Mr. T. T. Marsden, Mr Amos Alcock, Mr. R. Royle, Mr. S. Burnham, Mr. R. McGown, Mr. Jos. Fairclough, Mr. I. Mellor. Mr. J. Carr, Mr. A. Valentine, general secretary; Mr J. Robinson, Mr. L. H. Jones, Mr. T. Hewitt, Mr. D. Battisby, Mr. N. Dobell. Mr. R. E. Dickenson, Mr. J. Wainwright, jun, Mr. Benj Purser, Mr. Chris. Taylor, Mr. C. Cartwright, Mr. B. Dean, Mr. R. W. T. Hatch, Mr. W. H. Griffin, Mr. T. F. Shell, and Mr. H. Haslehurst.
The report was as follows:- The committee have this season the satisfaction of being able to report a reduction in the old debt of £63 10s. 5d. Considering the generally adverse results of the matches played in the early part of the season the club may be congratulated on so improved a balance-sheet. The best thanks of the committee are due to the committee appointed for the raising of a special fund. As a result of their efforts the sum of £72 19s. 33. has been handed over to the funds of the club by the hon. treasurer. Mr J. E. Fisher. They also wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to the contributors to the weekly funds, and to the members and friends of the club for the loyal and practical manner in which the committee’s appeals for support have been responded to from time to time. The committee have been successful in engaging for the coming season a team practically identical with that which gave such satisfaction at the close of last season, and one which they believe will place the club at the season’s close in a creditable position. Whether this expectation is realised or not they rely with confidence on a continuance of that generous support on the part of the friends of the club, which has been so valuable a stimulus to the club officers in the past. The executive do not propose to offer themselves for re-election. Proposers of candidates to form the committee will facilitate the business of the meeting by previously obtaining their nominee’s consent to serve if elected.”
Mr. DAN ASHTON submitted the financial statement as follows:-
Balance-sheet. 1892-93- Income: By balance in hand, £11 18. 1d; balance received from Sports Committee, £6 4. 33.; rents, grazings, refreshments. &c., £19; proceeds of coupon competition, £1 6s. 4d.; proceeds of draw, £53 138.; proceeds of concert, £20 4s. 10d.; sale of fixture cards, &c £1 2s. 6d.; excess fare from L. League (Fleetwood match), £1 8s; deposit returned from Liverpool League, £2; special donations in aid of old debt, per Mr. J E. Fisher, treasurer, £72 19s. 3d. subscriptions and donations, £155 Os. 11d; weekly collections, £42 3 8d.; gates- 1st team, £513 3s. 8d.; gates–Old Boys, £48 13. 94d; gates-Cup ties, away, £71 2s. 11d; cash advanced by Messrs. Emmison and Ashton, £15; overdrawn from bank, £7 3. 3d; total, £1042 4s 7d. Expenditure: To players’ wages, and groundsman, and travelling expenses 1st team, £539 10s. 8d.; players’ wages and travelling expenses Old Boys, £72 10s. 3d.; guarantee to visiting clubs, £110 2s. 3d.; secretary’s salary, £19 10s; referees, £8 8. 3d.; clothing, boots. &c., account. £13 18s.; repairs to ground, £20 58 10d.; rent, £35; New Infirmary Committee, £21; payments old debt account, £56 12s, printing, stationery, and sundry expenses, £93 2s. 6d. entrance fees, £5 14s. 6d.; guarantee Lancashire League, £20 guarantee Liverpool League, £2; bank interest and commission. £8 78. 9d; cash in hand, £16 28. 21.; total, £1042 4. 7d. Liabilities of club: Owing bank, £99 12s. 6d. Mr. Smith, £50; Meesrs. Emmison and Ashton, £15; total, £164 13s 6d. Rent due Sẹptember, £35. Assets: Stands, dressing tents, fixtures. &c.”
The statement had been audited and found- correct by Mr. Sydney Bramwell.
Mr. ASHTON. continuing, said the balance in hand on the previous year’s working was £37 17s. 9 1/2d., but the disparity between that amount and this years’ balance in hand could be accounted for in the difference of the money owing to the bank. Touching the item of “gates,” he said this year’s gates had been £149 8s. more than in the previous year. That was a very gratifying feature. (Applause.) As to the item guarantees to visiting clubs, he said next year the Lancashire League had decided to have a medal competition, for the purpose of filling up the vacant dates of the League clubs, and as a consequence no guarantees would be required then. (Applause.) The Central Club now had 244 subscribing members. (Applause.) In conclusion, he proposed that the report and accounts be adopted.
Mr. Amos ALCOCK seconded.
The CHAIRMAN, commenting upon the accounts, said he was delighted to find them in such a satisfactory condition. He expressed the gratification of the club and himself at the support they had received from the public and said that this latter circumstance, combined with the increase in the “gates,” spoke well for the future of the club. (Applause.) The proposition was unanimously carried.
The CHAIRMAN said the next business of the meeting was the selection of the hon. treasurer.
Mr. ISAAC SMITH-Is it a figurehead appointment ?
The CHAIRMAN-No, no.
Mr. McGown proposed that Mr. Din Ashton be elected hon. treasurer. (Applause.)
Mr. ASHTON said he could not consent to take the office, as he really had not the time.
The CHAIRMAN said he had made up his mind this season to retire from football altogether; not that he had any the less interest in the game or the club, because he was as good an old war horse as ever; he loved the game, and he was delighted when he was watching a good exposition of football anywhere, and particularly one in which his own club took part. If, however, his stepping out of the position of chairman would jeopardise the Southport Central football club he would not take the step. (Hear, hear, and applause) If anyone could be selected to take the post of chairman be would be willing to help by his presence and purse. If he could get anyone to help him he was willing to throw himself into harness once again. (Applause.)
Mr. GRIFFIN proposed the re-election of Mr. Emmison as chairman.
Mr. ISAAC SMITH seconded. He said as regarded himself that when they had got the club relieved from the old debt he would ask to be allowed to retire.
The proposition was enthusiastically agreed to.
Mr. BATTISBY moved that Mr. Dan Ashton be vice-chairman.
Mr. McGown seconded, and the motion was carried with acclamation.
Mr. Smith proposed Mr. R. W. T. Hatch as hon. treasurer.
Mr. L. R. JONES seconded, and the proposition was carried.
On the initiative of the CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. GRIFFIN, it was resolved that Mr. Charles Scarisbrick, J.P., be invited to again become the president of the club.
The question of general secretary having been opened, the meeting decided that it should be deputed to a meeting of the General Committee.
On the motion of the CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. Rd. ROSKELL, Mr. Sydney Bramwell was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his past services as hon auditor, and was also re-elected.
The subject of the general committee of the club caused considerable discussion, chiefly owing to the persuasion that was brought to bear upon several of last year’s members to stand again in the same capacity. Eventually the committee was constituted as follows:-Messrs. W. Robinson, R. Roskell, W. H. Griffin, T. Hewitt; G. Edge, R McGown, G. Hesketh, J. Robinson, T. T Marden. W. Kay, L. Smith, J. Halm, John Wainwright, W. Derry, R. Sanderson, Amos Alcock, S. Barnham, and I. Mellor.
The CHAIRMAN announced that the record of 1st team matches played last season was:- Matches played. 44; won, 15; lost, 21; drawn, 8; goals scored, 82 for, 97 against. The Old Boys’ record was:- Matches played, 36; won, 18; lost, 12; drawn, 6; gale scored, 91 for, 66 against.
With regard to the team for next season, he said, the following players were signed -Goal, Jim Gee; full backs, Tom Smith and R. Fairhurst; half-backs, C. Gee, Kenny Davenport, Ross Muir, and J. Dodd; forwards, J. Downes, C. Hollows, J. Bryce, W. Hastings, and P. McCabe. They had, the Chairman continued, got their eye upon two men for the position of full back, and before the season commenced they would have another back to add to the list. Of course they must acknowledge the good services Fairhurst had rendered in the past. (Applause)
The CHAIRMAN intimated that the Central engagements in the Lancashire League competition for the season 1893-94 were as follows:-

The SECRETARY said the Old Boys team had again entered the Liverpool and District League. The Liverpool League was now strengthened by the addition of Skelmersdale United, a club which bad been in the Lancashire Combination.
On the motion of Mr. BENJAMIN PURSER, seconded by Mr. C. CARTWRIGHT, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers of the club for their past services.
A vote of thanks was accorded the chairman for his services in the chair at the meeting on the motion of Mr. ISAAC SMITH.
A similar compliment was paid to Mr. Councillor Hatch for the use of the room in which the meeting was held, the resolution being proposed by the CHAIRMAN.
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1893 Extraordinary General Meeting
1891 Annual General Meeting
1892 Annual Meeting