AGM Report
Southport Visiter, Saturday 25th May 1889
A meeting of the Southport Central Football Club was held at the Victoria Hall, London-street, last night. Mr J. Watson was elected to the chair, and there was a very large attendance of the supporters of the club.
The CHAIRMAN, during the course of a short speech, said the Central had now been in existence for a season. Many alleged, when the club was started, that it would a club of a month, but he thought they had fairly shown that the Central was an organisation of some stamina. They had put a good team in the field which had been a credit to Southport, as they had held their own and a bit more. (Applause.) They had met some of the best teams in England, and he was sure that they had not been disgraced. With regard to the committee, he might state that they had worked together in the most amicable manner. The committee wanted to make sure the best arrangements for next year they possible could. They had done very well last season, but next season they were looking forward to greater results still. (Applause). They wanted to make the Central club one of the best in the country, and the committee were determined that the team should be able to render a good account of themselves against the best teams in Lancashire. In order to do that they would want support and help, and he felt sure from the large number of supporters that were present they were going to get that support. (Applause)
Mr. R. McGown said he was sure the supporters and the committee had all tried their very best to make the club a good one, and he was sure they had succeeded beyond even the most sanguine expectations. (Applause). When the club was first started they had some misgivings as to how they would be supporters, because they were undertaking to run for the first time in Southport what were known as a professional team. They all know that to do that considerable expense would be entailed, and, as a matter of fact, more expense had been entailed by the Central than any other club in Southport. However, he was pleased to state that they had been pretty well supporters for the first year. Of course, they had had a lot of uphill work, and more expense had been incurred that would occur again through having to pay clubs big sums to come and visit them. They had now got together a good eleven, and the members had sustained their reputation. (Applause). They had not played as many local men as some could have wished, for the simple reason that there were so many clubs in the town, and when the men were scattered about they were not able to get local men. What local men they had played the committee were very proud of them – (applause) – and they had been voted by the outside public as being almost as good as the players from other towns. (Applause). The results of the matches had been very good. They had played 40 matches, out of which they had won 21 – (applause) – lost 13, and drawn 6. (Applause.) That, he thought, for a first season was very satisfactory indeed, and he did not know of any club in Southport that had had such a record for a first season. Next year they hoped to do even better, because they expected to retain all their best players and introduce one or two fresh ones, (Applause.) He considered that Southport had been honoured by such a club as the North End paying the town a visit, and he was sure the “gate” on that occasion gladdened the hearts of all footballers. He hoped the time was not far off distant when they would draw the people to witness the matches, and make Southport as good a football town at all events as Blackpool was. (Applause)
The CHAIRMAN said the football merits of the Central team were evidently recognised by the outsiders, as the club was one of the first that was placed upon the Lancashire League, and Mr Smith (their chairman) was elected to fill the position of treasurer. (Applause)
Mr Wm Scott said when the club was first started he was one of the most sanguine in anticipating a good result. He looked forward to a good start from the first year, and he must say he was surprised beyond measure at the success that had been achieved. (Applause) His anticipation had been more than fulfilled, and if they went on in the future as they had done in the past he was sure at no distant date they would have no fear as to the result of an encounter with such clubs as the Blackburn Rovers and the North End. (Applause.) Speaking professionally, he could assure them that the Central Club would have his most cordial and enthusiastic support. (Applause.)
In answer to Mr C. Taylor, the CHAIRMAN said he second team would be better looked after than it had been in the past. (Applause.)
Mr. SHAW said in order to provide the funds they should issue some books and get someone to collect subscriptions. He thought they could easily get 100 subscriptions and guinea, and another 100 at half a guinea. (Applause.)
The CHAIRMAN thought it was a very wise suggestion.
Mr John Hodson and Mr. John Wright attended as a deputation from the Old Boys F.C. with a view to amalgamation with the Central, and it was decided that nine committee-men be elected that night, and that the Old Boys elect three men of their own choice sit on the executive.
Mr SMITH, chairman of the committee, said the Central had joined the Lancashire League, and they would play 22 League matches. They had also joined the Lancashire Junior Cup, and if they won the final, that would make an additional seven fixtures to their card. The hoped they would be at the top of the list in the League competitions (Applause.) He thought their prospects for the ensuing year were much brighter than they were at the beginning of last year. He might also state Stoke had written to them asking for fixtures, which showed that they were working in the right direction, and making a name in the football world. (Applause.) He trusted they would all put their shoulders to the wheel, so as to make the club a great success. (Applause.)
The following committee was elected:- Mr Smith, Mr. Watson, Mr. Shall, Mr. James, Mr, McGown, who acted on last year’s committee. The additional names were balloted for, with the following result:- Mr James Whalley, 56; Mr. T.J.Dowhurst, 53; Mr. John Bee,47; Mr Dan. Ashton, 25; Mr. L Ball, 24; Mr. J.G. Emmison, 14; Mr. Shaw, 14; Mr Jervis, 13; Mr J Forshaw, 11; Mr. W. Kay, 9; Mr. R.Wright, 8; and Mr Carr, 5. The first four were elected.
A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the meeting.
Southport Visiter – Saturday 01 June 1889
Judging from the enthusiasm that was exhibited at the meeting of the Central Football Club a week yesterday, the organisation has every prospect of a successful season next year. There was a capital attendance, and great interest was evinced in the speeches made by those that we in the know. Nothing startling however was mentioned beyond the fact that the single season club had joined the Lancashire League, and that such a noted club as Stoke had written for fixtures. Mr. Taylor was particularly anxious that a balance-sheet should be forthcoming, and eventually he was allowed bu the chairman, who informed him that that was not the annual meeting, but that another meeting would be held shortly, when the financial statement would be read over. I was pleased to see that the Old Boys were anxious to become amalgamated with the Central, and when that is an established fact, there is no doubt that it will be the means of materially adding to the strength of the Sussex-road players.
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